Abstract Data Type


Deque stands for a “double-ended queue”. It is an Abstract Data Type that generalizes a Queue, for which elements can be added to or removed from either the front or back.

Think the power of Stacks and Stacks and Queues combined


The built-in deque implementation is actually a little complicated, I don’t understand it yet.

Think of it like a Circular buffer of objects

The STL use a circular buffer of Pointers.

Python collections.deque

We use the deque library to implement Stacks and Queues in Python. Check out documentation for functions.

Deque is preferred over list for the time complexity advantages on append and pop operations.

from collections import deque
d = collections.deque()
# Adding Elements
# Removing Elements
d[-1] # last element
d[0] # first element
len(d) == 0 # isEmpty

C++ Deque

Dynamic array in C++ that extends upon the C++ Vector by also including push_front and pop_front. Check reference.

deque<int> d;
//Adding Elements
d.push_back(5); // [5]
d.push_back(2); // [5,2]
d.push_back(3); // [5,2,3]
d.push_front() // this also exists
//Check elements
d.front() // 5
d.back() // 3
//Removing elements
d.pop_front(); // [2,3]
d.pop_back(); // [2]