Quick Sort

  1. Pick a pivot element p in the array
  2. Partition the array into
  3. Recursively sort the two partitions.

Key benefit: No temporary array!



def partition(ls, lo, hi):
	if lo < hi:
		pivot, i, j = ls[(lo + hi) // 2], lo, hi
		while True:
			while ls[i] < pivot and i < hi:
				i += 1
			while pivot < ls[j] and j > lo:
				j -= 1
			if i > j:
			ls[i], ls[j] = ls[j], ls[i]
			i += 1
			j -= 1
		partition(ls, lo, j)
		partition(ls, i, hi)
def quicksort(ls):
	partition(ls, 0, len(ls) - 1)

Time Complexity

  • Best Case:
  • Average Case:
  • Worst Case:

Space Complexity

  • Worst Case:

Implementation details

  1. How to pick a pivot?
    1. Random Element
    2. Median of three
  2. Dealing with duplicates? Quicksort doesn’t perform well with lots of duplicate elemnts


See Partition.