Sorting Algorithms
My first python class was actually very helpful. Link to various sorting algorithms implemented in Python.
Algorithm | Best Case(Ω) | Average Case(Θ) | Worst Case(O) |
Selection Sort | |||
Insertion Sort | |||
Bubble Sort | |||
Merge Sort | |||
Quick Sort | |||
Heap Sort | |||
Radix Sort | |||
Counting Sort | |||
Bucket Sort |
Merge Sort Vs. Quick Sort
- Quicksort is likely faster in practice, but merge sort is faster on paper.
- Merge Sort divides the set into the smallest possible groups immediately then reconstructs the incrementally as it sorts the groupings.
- Quicksort continually partitions the data set by a pivot, until the set is recursively sorted
Custom Sorting in C++
You can do something like the following
sort(begin(arr), end(arr), [](string &s1, string &s2){ return s1+s2>s2+s1; });
For a C++ Vector,
sort(v.begin(), v.end());
Using the greater operator
sort(arr, arr + n, greater<int>());