
ROS Message

Writing some notes on how different types of ROS messages are defined.

There are 3-4 main standard ROS message:

  1. std_msgs
  2. sensor_msgs
  3. vision_msgs
  4. nav_msgs (as part of nav2)

Some new kinds of messages I’ve been exposed to through MIT-PITT-RW:

  • can_msgs
  • geographic_msgs
  • gps_msgs

You can find some of them through here


For GPS:

  • there’s also sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
  • I haven’t worked that much with GPS, so I’m actually not sure about the options

Geographic_msgs vs. gps_msgs?

  • gps_msgs is specialized for GPS-related data, focusing on the direct output from GPS receivers and their status.
  • geographic_msgs is more general and versatile, dealing with geographic information beyond just GPS, including maps, routes, and waypoints.

Don't invent new message types unless you have to...

This is a philosophy I try to use at WATonomous. Use standardized messages. Else people have to build the message types themselves. You would need to maintain them otherwise.

As I do more of the WATonomous stuff, find myself looking into these:

  • trajectory_msgs - link