
Humans aren’t rational, because humans have emotion. I have this article on why we (don’t) recycle.


On why Laws aren’t rational

To pass a bill into law, a very very very long process is needed. First, a bill is written up officially for every MP to read. Then, the general goals of the bill are debated by every MP for approval/denial. Then, it’s sent to a subcommittee in the House of Commons for detailed review and modifications. Then, it’s debated in depth and potentially modified by MPs. Then, the bill is approved/rejected by every MP. Then, this entire process is repeated in the Senate. If the bill gets modified in the Senate, it has to get reapproved in the House of Commons and vice versa. After all this, it gets ‘royal assent’ to be all official and stuff. (https://learn.parl.ca/sites/Learn/default/en_CA/GuideToHOC/Law)