Relative Likelihood Function

The relative likelihood function is


since is maximized.

is a way to normalize .

Example to Motivate Relative Likelihood Function

Example: Suppose a coin is tossed times and we observe heads and .

To calculate Relative Likelihood, we obtain

Why do we care about the relative likelihood when we already know how to estimate the optimal parameter using Maximum Likelihood Estimation?

Well, sometimes, you want to give a reasonable range to your estimated parameter , i.e. assign upper and lower bounds

  • Personal thought: This range is like quantifying your Uncertainty
  • Notice that

We can define plausibility in terms of the Relative Likelihood Function:

  • Very Plausible
  • Plausible
  • Implausible
  • Very Implausible

We will explore more about Relative Likelihood when we discuss Confidence Interval, but see Confidence Interval, but see Interval Estimation where we talk about likelihood interval.