
I am scared to lose my consciousness.

Are we ever going to be able to recreate consciousness in a computer? I think probably, and then this is the next step in running a human Simulation.

Core problem in

From Meditation (Waking Up)

You are both the observer of the thoughts, and the thoughts themselves. The thoughts are part of you.


  • Low Awareness and High Awareness

Weird that in PSYCH101, we learn that consciousness is the same as awareness. This is definitely not the case in Meditation.

Untethered Soul Interpretation

Who am I? I live in the seat of consciousness. Eventually if you sit far back enough you will see all these objects in front of you (emotions, thoughts, as well as outer forms).

When you watch a movie, you get sucked in.

July 23rd 2022: So for the past 1-2 weeks, I have these extremely weird phases where I am awfully aware that I am conscious, but that one day I will be dead, and I will lose all of my unsciousness. It’s like I am conscious sometimes but I am not aware that I am conscious. And the days are just blending together. And I feel that somehow I am starting to lose touch with reality. And that one day, I might go insane. Because what happens after death? What am I going to become? I’m just going to… disappear? I don’t understand, it’s extremely scary.

Like for example knowing that people such as George Marsaglia whom I’ve developed immense respect who died before I was even born, like that is crazy. But I guess what is a little comforting is that everyone around me is going to die as well. Yea… I’ve been going down this scary rabbithole. Also, for the same reason, I am scared of falling asleep and never waking back up again.

I guess on the positive side, I have these thoughts because I find that life has so much to offer and I am excited to be living it.