Graph Theory

Eulerian Path

An Eulerian path is a path that goes through each edge exactly once.

An Eulerian cycle/circuit is an Eulerian path that starts and ends at the same node (a cycle that uses each edge exactly once).

An Eulerian trail/ Euler walk is a walk that uses each edge exactly once. If such a walk exists, the graph is called traversable or semi-eulerian.

We can find the Eularian Path using Hierholzer’s Algorithm.

Euler Tour of Tree

I initially confused this because I thought it was very similar to pre-order Tree Traversal. While the way you travel between the edges is the same, in pre-order traversal you are only “visiting” each node once, whereas in Euler Tour you store the revisited node every time you go up a higher level.

With the Euler tour you can derive additional information from the result.

Let’s say you have the tree:

    / \
   B   E
  / \   \
 C   D   F

For prev-order traversal, it would be:

A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F

If you performed the euler tour algorithm, it would be:

A -> B -> C -> B -> D -> B -> A -> E -> F -> E -> A

To compute the Euler Tour, just do DFS starting from the root node but add the current node as well to the list of visited every time. There is this idea of using the timer to get the depth.

Eulerian Circuit / Euler Tour


An Eulerian circuit (or Euler tour) of a graph is a closed walk that contains every edge of exactly once.

Used in Connected Graph.

Theorem 4.9.2

Let be a connected graph. Then, has an Eulerian Circuit if and only if every vertex has even degree.