Linear Diophantine Equation

An equation in which both the coefficients and variables are integers, is called a Diophantine equation, named after the Greek mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria. A Diophantine equation is called linear if each term in the equation is a constant or a constant times a single variable.

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem, Part 1 (LDET 1)

For all integers , and , with and both not zero, the linear Diophantine equation (in variables and ) has an integer solution if and only if , where . This comes from Bezout’s Lemma, see Greatest Common Divisor

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem, Part 2, (LDET 2)

Let , and be integers with and both not zero, and define . If and is one particular integer solution to the linear Diophantine equation , then the set of all solutions is given by