SOLID Design Principles

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

The Liskov Substitution Principle states that objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without breaking the application.

LSP enforces something discussed so far: public inheritance should model an is-a relationship.

If class B inherits from class A: we can use pointers / references to B objects in the place of pointers / references to A objects: C++ gives us this.

Liskov Substitution is stronger: not only can we perform the substitution, but we should be able to do so at any place in the program, without affecting its correctness.


  1. If an invariance is true for class A, then it should also be true for class B
  2. If an invariant is true for method A::f, and B overrides f, then this invariant must be true for B::f
  3. If B::f overrides A::f
  • If A::f has a precondition P and a postcondition Q, then B::f should have a precondition P' such that P=>P' and a postcondition Q' such that Q'=>Q
  • B::f needs a weaker precondition and a stronger postcondition

Ex: Contravariance problem

  • Happens whenever we have a binary operator where the other parameter is the same type as *this.
class Shape {
		virtual bool operator==(const Shape& other) const;
class Circle: public Shape {
		bool operator==(const Shape& other) const override;

As we’ve seen before, we must take in the same parameter when overriding. C++ enforces this, which actually enforces LSP for us.

  1. A Circle is-a Shape
  2. A Shape can be compared with other Shapes
  3. A Circle can be compared with any other Shape

To satisfy LSP, we must support comparison between different types of Shapes.

bool Circle::operator==(const Shape& other) const {
	if (typeid(other) != typeid(Circle)) return false;
	const Circle& cother=static_cast<const Circle&>(other);

typeidreturnsstd::type_info` objects that can be compared.

dynamic_cast: Is other a Circle, or a subclass of Circle? typeid: Is other exactly a Circle?

typeid uses the dynamic-type so long as the class has at least one virtual method.

Example of Violation of LSP

Ex: Is a Square a Rectangle? 4th Grader: Yes, a Square is a rectangle.

A square has all the properties of a rectangle.

class Rectangle {
	int length, width;
		Rectangle(int l, int w): length{l}, width{w} {}
		int getLength() const;
		int getWidth() const;
		virtual void setWidth(int w) {width=w;};
		virtual void setLength(int l) {length=l;};
		int area() const {return length * width;};
class Square: public Rectangle {
		Square(int s): Rectangle{s,s} {}
		void setWidth(int w) override {
		void setLength(int l) override {
int f(Rectangle& r) {
	return r.area(); // surely this returns 200
// But: 
Square s{100};
f(s); // gives us 400

What is the issue here?

we expect postcondition for Rectangle::setWith to be that the width is set and nothing else changes. But this is violated by our Square class.

Violates LSP, does not satisfy an is-a relationship. Conclusion: Square are not Rectangles.

Possibility: Restructure inheritance hierarchy to make sure LSP is respected.

In general: how can we prevent LSP violations?

We should restrain what our subclasses can do, only allows them to customize what is truly necessary.

We can use a design pattern: Template Method Pattern, to make this process easier.
