Sensor Fusion

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Sensor Fusion is combining two or more data sources in a way that generates a better understanding of the system.

Distance Accuracy~
Color Perception (e.g. traffic lights)
Object Detection~
Object Classification~
Lane Detection
Obstacle Edge Detection
Illumination Conditions
Weather Conditions~
Source: Sensor and Sensor Fusion Technology in Autonomous Vehicles: A Review


Personal Thoughts about challenges:

  • Creating the ground truth labels for multi-modalities is super expensive. I guess we can get these in simulation. Whatever modality works the best is good.

For low-level fusion,

Geometric Fusion

  • Input Fusion
    • Map input to 2D or 3D
    • Feed into a NN
  • Late Fusion
    • Extra features from both modalities
    • Map features in 2D or 3D
    • Feed into a NN
    • Feature dimension is lower than input dimension

Neural Fusion

  • Option 1: Concat extracted features directly
  • Option 2: Use attention to align features rather than geometry

The problems:

  • Many lidar points correspond to the same pixel
  • many pixels correspond to the same lidar point
  • Some measurements in one input is not visible in the other one
  • Geometry doesn’t work perfectly
  • There is random and different augmentation of input modalities

To continue watching: at 41:38

Types of Fusion

  • Early Fusion/Low-Level Fusion (LLF) (fusing raw data)
    • Combine the signals then learn a single predictor. However, this method is more difficult to exploit the specific properties of each sensor
  • Late Fusion/High-Level Fusion (HLF) (fusing objects)
    • Each sensor is processed independently, and the resulting feature maps are combined into one
    • A classifier produces a prediction from this hybrid map
  • Feature-Level Fusion/Mid-Level Fusion (MLF)
    • Build some intermediate representations and learn a predictor
    • Intermediate feature maps are generated from each sensor and then a new CNN branch generates prediction
    • Difficult to train, since there are lots of parameters, and back-propagation is done in two directions. Uses the idea of Bird-Eyes View
    • MLF appears to be insufficient to achieve a SAE Level 4 or Level 5 AD system due to its limited sense of the environment and loss of contextual information
  • Sequential (Progressive) Fusion
    • Use signals one after the other to obtain a prediction
    • Ex: FrustumNet, using frustrums


Imagine 2d vision: 100x100 = 10,000 dims

  • Dense information

Working in 3d vision is extremely sparse. you have 100x100x100 = 1,000,000 dims

  • Sparse information

See 3D Object Detection