Support Vector Machine
Maybe watch this video to keep learning from StatQuest:
The Loss Function for a multiclass SVM loss for example is defined as (it’s a Loss Function for a multiclass SVM loss for example is defined as (it’s a Hinge Loss): where
- is the score for the -th class
- can be interpreted as the minimum margin (use ), i.e. the correct class should be a minimum of away to make sure we incur 0 loss.
We omit as part of the calculation for loss because if not, the loss would be , instead of 0, even though we have perfect predictions.
The loss over the full dataset is
- The first part is the Data Loss
- The second part of the equation () is the Regularization loss, given by (this is L2 Regularization)
In code, these are implemented as:
def L_i(x, y, W):
unvectorized version. Compute the multiclass svm loss for a single example (x,y)
- x is a column vector representing an image (e.g. 3073 x 1 in CIFAR-10)
with an appended bias dimension in the 3073-rd position (i.e. bias trick)
- y is an integer giving index of correct class (e.g. between 0 and 9 in CIFAR-10)
- W is the weight matrix (e.g. 10 x 3073 in CIFAR-10)
delta = 1.0 # see notes about delta later in this section
scores = # scores becomes of size 10 x 1, the scores for each class
correct_class_score = scores[y]
D = W.shape[0] # number of classes, e.g. 10
loss_i = 0.0
for j in range(D): # iterate over all wrong classes
if j == y:
# skip for the true class to only loop over incorrect classes
# accumulate loss for the i-th example
loss_i += max(0, scores[j] - correct_class_score + delta)
return loss_i
def L_i_vectorized(x, y, W):
A faster half-vectorized implementation. half-vectorized
refers to the fact that for a single example the implementation contains
no for loops, but there is still one loop over the examples (outside this function)
delta = 1.0
scores =
# compute the margins for all classes in one vector operation
margins = np.maximum(0, scores - scores[y] + delta)
# on y-th position scores[y] - scores[y] canceled and gave delta. We want
# to ignore the y-th position and only consider margin on max wrong class
margins[y] = 0
loss_i = np.sum(margins)
return loss_i
def L(X, y, W):
fully-vectorized implementation :
- X holds all the training examples as columns (e.g. 3073 x 50,000 in CIFAR-10)
- y is array of integers specifying correct class (e.g. 50,000-D array)
- W are weights (e.g. 10 x 3073)
# evaluate loss over all examples in X without using any for loops
# left as exercise to reader in the assignment