
Still don’t quite understand the differences. Confidence Interval

Estimates vs Estimators

Estimates: , etc Calculated from samples Estimators: - a RV - came from - estimator (like )

Biased vs. Unbiased Estimators

Originally heard this from David Silver’s RL course the notes David Silver’s RL course the notes Monte-Carlo Learning. Also wrote about these ideas in David Silver’s RL course the notes Monte-Carlo Learning. Also wrote about these ideas in Monte-Carlo Learning. Also wrote about these ideas in Bootstrapping and Sampling.

Learning again through STAT206.

I think when it is an unbiased estimator, then you have that

This is the kind of proffs that they do in Research Papers, and actually we barely covered it in class, file:///Users/stevengong/My%20Drive/Waterloo/2A/STAT206/Final/STAT206/Exam%20Practice%20Full%20Solutions.pdf is a good example.

From Confidence Interval, we say that is an unbiased estimator of , but is biased.