State Element

Flip-Flop (FF)

We wish to have storage elements that the change of their state is controlled under precise timing instances - clock edges.

Flip-flops are edge-triggered. See Clock


Truth Table: A Truth table shows how a logic circuits output responds to various combination of inputs. Characteristic Table: it defines the next state of flip-flop in terms of flip-flop input and current state. Excitation Table: it defines the flip-flop input variable as function of the current state and next state.


From ECE222, the teacher explained how when it’s negative edge-triggered, it means that the flipflop may or may not change on the negative edge.

SR Flip-Flop

D Flip-Flop

Notice that when you set S and R, R is always the complement of S. D stands for “Data” flip-flop.

JK Flip-Flop

Generalization of D and T Flip-Flop (seen below). As we know, S = 1 and R =1, is not used in the SR flip flop. But we implement it with JK, where when J=1 and K=1, we have a toggling action.

T Flip-Flop

Toggle Flip-flop, make J and K the same.

Flip-Flop Conversions


  1. Identify available and required FF
  2. Make Characteristic Table for required FF
  3. Make Excitation Table for available FF
  4. Write boolean expression for available FF
  5. Draw circuit.