Non-Linear Least Squares

Gauss-Newton Method

This is a second-order method. Compared with Newton’s method, Gauss-Newton uses as the approximation of the Hessian Matrix.

As a reminder from Non-Linear Least Squares, our goal is to minimize in the least squares formulation, which we will proceed by finding a such that is minimized.

We take the derivative of the above formula with respect to and set it to zero (this is essentially linearizing the problem):

Rearranging the terms, we get So we have

Wait… but isn’t linear, how is computed? Oh this is fine, it’s just a multiplication that you expand, right? - is , is , so is

Gauss-Newton Method

  1. Give an initial value .
  2. For -th iteration, calculate and residual .
  3. Solve the normal equation (solve through Gaussian Elimination).
  4. If is small enough, stop the algorithm. Otherwise, let and return to step 2.