Taylor Polynomials

The -th order Taylor polynomial centered at is given by

1st order expansion 2nd-order expansion etc.


Maclaurin Polynomial

A Taylor polynomial centered at zero () is referred to as a Maclaurin polynomial.

Taylor’s Remainder Theorem

Not that needed. Used to prove Taylor’s Inequality. Suppose that has derivatives at . Then


Taylor’s Inequality

The error in using an nth-order Taylor polynomial as an approximation to satisfies the inequality where for all values of between and .


We can use this value to bound the actual values.

Approximation of Integrals using Taylor Polynomials


If you want tighter bounds, usually you can increase the degree of the polynomial and that will allow you to have tigher ranges.

Taylor Series (Expanded)

We can use taylor series to approximate functions. See Power Series for non-expanded version.

memory trick for Even and Odd Function

WAIT,#serendipity, is this a coincidence? happens to be an even function, and happens to be an odd function.

If you look at the sums, uses odd powers, while uses even powers.

Multivariate case

In the multivariate case, is given by the Jacobian, and is given by the Hessian.

I saw this when learning the Gauss-Newton Method.