Graph Colouring
Graph colouring an arbitrary graph is NP-Hard. Greedy works pretty well.
Greedy Algorithm to have the minimum amount of colours: (I am not sure this always works)
for each vertex v {
- colour v with the lowest colour not yet used by its neighbours
CS241E: Deciding whether an arbitrary graph can be coloured with colours is an NP-complete problem.
- There is no known polynomial time algorithm for finding a minimal graph colouring, and if one were to be found, it would be a major breakthrough in solving many other important problems. Therefore, there is no known polynomial time algorithm for optimal Register Allocation.
Some applications of graph colouring:
- Colouring a cartographic map: vertices are countries, two vertices are adjacent if the countries share a border; want to colour the map so that no two adjacent countries are the same colour. (Gets tricky in practice, since world geography is complicated by inclaves and exclaves.)
- Scheduling resources to jobs where there are conflicts: assigning aircrafts to flights, can’t use the same plane at the same time for two flights.
- Allocated registers in compilers: vertices are variables, edges denote variables needed at the same time. Can we fit all the variables into the number of available registers?
- Sudoku: vertices are cells, edges between cells that can’t have the same value due to Sudoku constraints; colouring is a valid Sudoku.
Learned in MATH239.
Definition 2
A -colouring of a graph is an assignment of a colour to each vertex using one of colours, so that adjacent vertices have different colours. More precisely, if is a set of size , then a -colouring is a function such that for all . A graph that has a -colouring is called -colourable.
Theorems and Lemmas
Theorem 7.7.2
A graph is 2-colourable if and only if it is bipartite.
Theorem 7.7.3
The Complete Graph is -colourable, and not -colourable for any .
4-Colour Theorem (Theorem 7.7.7)
Every Planar Graph is 4-colourable (can be coloured with at most 4 colours).
- Proved in 1976 by Appel and Haken, combining a 400-page proof plus 1,834 cases checked by a computer. One of the first computer-assisted proofs. A few flaws in the manual portion were fixed in the 80’s. The manual portion has since also been computer-verified, and the cases have been reduced to 633.
You should learn the 6-colour theorem and 5-colour theorem to get more familiar with graph proofs.