Morality / Moral Compass

It’s been a long time I have thought about this, but how did I deem some things to be morally right or wrong?

I think actually most of these things are better fitted in Ethics.

Why do I deem that working hard is good and not working hard is bad? This is related to My Values.

I remember when I was super young about how Slavery was only seen as bad recently. Like what is bad is really deemed by society, because humans are inherently social animals.

Basically, Human Rights is not absolute, but actually something that us humans, we came up with ourselves. Which I find so interesting.

I remember thinking how things seemed so established when I was young, like Graphic Design, but really there is an individual human behind that to make sure things look neat. And it’s not some sort of super super professional identity.

Is there such a thing such as Moral Absolutism? If you are religious, such as Muslim, then for sure you need to adhere to the Quran. But in a secular society, what is right or wrong is often in the gray area.

Stages of Moral Development

We talked about this through my Sociology class.

There are 3 stages of Moral Development according to Lawrence Kohlberg:

  1. Pre-conventional
  2. Conventional – aware of other’s feelings
  3. Post-conventional – able to think in abstract terms