

What do we call normal? Normality is relative. In the same idea, Deviance is thus relative.

Norms are boundary conditions for your thoughts. - Bryan Johnson

Two hundred years ago, it was “normal” to own a Slave. I had this reflection in Morality.


  • Guide behaviour
  • Developed out of Values

Folkways: routine or casual interaction Mores: great moral significance Taboos: often feel revulsion when violated

In the Western Culture, there is this growing culture of wanting to deviate from the norm. Nobody wants to be normal. Everyone wants to be exceptional. Individualism is highly praised. Startup culture is very prominent.

Are norms there to be preserved or to be changed?

Well, the norms are based on the values propagated by a given government. Canada really takes pride in its cultural diversity and tolerance for other cultures. Therefore, it makes sense to promote that.

Norms are only bad for people that don’t conform to them.

Gender Norm

“It’s important to note that gender norms can be harmful and limiting, particularly for individuals who do not conform to them. They can perpetuate stereotypes and discrimination, and they can contribute to unequal power dynamics and social injustice. Therefore, it’s important to promote gender equality and challenge harmful gender norms in order to create a more inclusive and just society.”