
A heap refers to the heap tree-shaped data structured used in to implement a Priority Queue.

Do confused this with the Heap (Memory). There is no connection between them.


Binary Heap

A Binary Heap is another way of implementing a Priority Queue. A binary heap is a heap, i.e, a tree which obeys the heap property: the root of any tree is greater than or equal to (or smaller than or equal to) all its children.

Heap Invariant: for ALL subtrees, root > left child, right child

Heap vs Tree

Heap vs. Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree?

I have trouble seeing the use case of heaps.

Heap time complexities

  • Get min:
  • Insertion: (since you need to do a fix-up)
  • Delete-min: (since you need to do a fix-down)

Why would you use Heap over BST?

The killer feature of heaps is that average time insertion into a binary heap is , for BST is .

Heaps are great to get the minimum or the maximum value in . However, if you want to search for a particular key, you are better off using a BST.


When inserting a heap, you always need to put it in the left-most. Then, you do a swap operation. Since there are at most levels, the insertion takes time.

We take the child with the larger key

Storing Heaps in Arrays

Heaps should not be stored as binary trees! Let H be a heap of n items and let A be an array of size n. Store root in and continue with elements level-by-level from top to bottom, in each level left-to-right

This is exactly how we encode it in a Segment Tree! (except we use 1-index?)

It is easy to navigate the heap using this array representation:

  • the root node is at index 0 (We use “node” and “index” interchangeably in this implementation.)
  • the last node is (where n is the size)
  • the left child of node i (if it exists) is node
  • the right child of node i (if it exists) is node
  • the parent of node i (if it exists) is node
  • these nodes exist if the index falls in the range

In practice, use 1-indexing

It is more convenient to use 1-indexing. See Segment Tree for how this is implemented.

The Priority Queue uses the heap. In C++, the underlying implementation is a C++ Vector.


The problem that you struggle the most is implementing the LRU scheme using a heap.

Basically, have a table that stores the latest time. And as you pop from the heap, make sure that is the latest, else it doesn’t count.