
Temporal-Difference Learning

Intuition: Don’t wait until the end of every episode each time to update. Only wait until the next time step.

  • TD learns from incomplete episodes, by bootstrapping
  • TD updates a guess towards a guess

Because of this, unlike the Monte-Carlo Learning,

  • TD can learn before knowing the final outcome
  • TD can learn without the final outcome

TD exploits the MDP structure.

TD Policy Evaluation

Goal: learn online from experience under policy

Simplest TD learning algorithm TD(0): Update value ) towards the TD Target () where is the TD error between the estimated returns:

Notice the similarity/difference with Monte-Carlo Learning. We just replace with the Bellman Expectation Backup, . Because we do this, the problem has to be MDP. This isn’t mandatory for Monte-Carlo.

How a TD backup looks like:


Combines the best out of both world.

The λ-return combines all n-step returns using weight

You combine all returns into this sort of geometric sum.

You use geometric weighting so the cost is the same as computing TD(0).

There is a forward view and backward view version. Forward-view TD(λ)

Backward-View TD() Keep an Eligibility Trace for every state .