Linear Algebra
This is an overview of the concepts I have learned during my linear algebra courses.
- Linear I at Marianopolis College notes here (Fall 2020)
- Linear II at Marianopolis College notes here (Winter 2021)
- Link to course notes (MATH115) here (Fall 2021, 1A SE)
- Complex Number
- Vector
- Line
- Plane
- Projection
- Linear Combination Sets and Spans
- Linear Independence
- Subspace
- Matrix
- Markov Chain
- Linear Transformation
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Vector Space
Final Exam Gaps in Knowledge
Whenever you find the basis, at the end, you have to say that the nonzero vectors in the spanning set are linearly independent.
- Main focus is lecture 20 onwards
- Complex Nth Roots p.20
- System-Rank Theorem, how many solutions (Lecture 21)
- Applications of Linear Algebra (Lecture 23)
- Fundamental Subspaces (Null, Row, Col) Lecture 27
- Find the row space etc.
Related and Applications
- Make a video on this
- #todo
- Linear Models
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Network Flow
- Electrical Networks